If you’re reading this, you might be new to reiki or other types of energy healing. Or you’re the type inclined to question any idea or concept in front of you. Or both. Whatever case, you’re wise to do your research!
Any healing modality you bring into your life should be done so with intention.
While I’m not here to sell you on the spiritual side of reiki (your faith and beliefs are ultimately your own), I’m happy to share the theory behind it, resources for your continued exploration, and some of what you can expect.
How Reiki Works (in Plain English)
You and I and everything else are composed of atoms (and on subatomic level, we are almost entirely empty space). Atoms are traditionally broken down into three particles: the proton, the neutron, and the electron, and these three can be further broken down into even smaller bits and pieces.
Whenever systems interact on a particle level, the interaction creates correlations between them. Action in one place instantly influences action in another place, regardless of the distance between them. It could be an inch or it could be millions of light years, it makes no difference. This is called quantum entanglement and implies that information between particles must travel at faster than the speed of light or even instantaneously.
How is this information exchange occurring? No one really knows. But what we do know is that entangled particles remain connected so that actions performed on one affect the other, even when separated by vast distances. Einstein was really bothered by this concept (it conflicts with aspects of his General Theory of Relativity) and called it “spooky action at a distance.”
How does this relate to us though? I think the better question is how doesn’t it relate to us? At one point, if the Big Bang Theory is correct, all matter was connected before exploding outwards and expanding into what is now our Universe. Everything that lead up everything was once jammed into the initial singularity of the Big Bang. As it expanded outwards, it became separated by space but remained entangled. All this matter can affect other matter as a result, despite being separated by distance. Ever have a day where it seems like everyone is in a crazy mood, driving like maniacs, and throwing tantrums? We’re all entangled.
Energy and mass are manifestations of the same thing – mass is just very tightly packed energy. Living creatures are not just machines; we’re complex energy fields that interface with physical and cellular systems. There’s something special that flows through us; although we can’t yet measure it, we know it's there. Reiki is one form of energy medicine that focuses on rebalancing energy fields to help regulate not only energetic systems but physical systems as well. It’s simply the transfer of energy from one system to another.
Research & Insights To Consider
While clinical research has not yet fully explained how reiki works through scientific methods, consider this: medical experts are still unraveling the mysteries of how anesthesia and antidepressants function. Aspirin was widely used for more than 70 years before researchers fully comprehended its mode of action! Despite the current gaps in scientific understanding, several studies have been conducted on Reiki and energy healing, providing some insights into its potential effects:
What to Expect
A reiki session involves the practitioner placing his or her hands at specific points, or chakras, on or above the body and directing universal life force energy to facilitate general health and well-being through modification of the energy field.
These are the researched benefits of reiki:
Helps to achieve meditative states
Promotes personal awareness and spiritual connection
Fosters natural self-healing and balances the energies of the body
Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Relieves pain and discomfort
Lowers blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate
Reduces bleeding
Raises red blood cell count
Helps insomnia
Sometimes people don’t feel anything whether they’re getting the healing in person or from a distance. This is totally normal! Energy healing works whether you’re aware of it or not. You may not notice huge changes right away, but there may be subtle changes that go unnoticed until later on. At a minimum, it allows you to deeply relax and get into a meditative state. If you're the type of person who tends to be “in your head” and has a hard time overcoming feelings of overwhelm, you’ll love this meditative state.
Interested in Learning More?
Check out my eBook, Self-Reiki For Beginners. You don't need to be certified to do energy work on yourself, and this step-by-step guide will explain and simplify the process so you can start healing yourself!